Index to Modems

Catalog of Modems - FaxBack Doc. # 1022

DescriptionCatalog NumberFaxBack Doc. #
300 BPS Internal Modem250-10034481
300 BPS Plus Modem250-1017(See Note A)4942
300 BPS DCM-1 Modem260-11725972
300 BPS DCM-1B Modem260-11755827
300 BPS DCM-2 Modem260-11735976
300 BPS DCM-3 Modem260-11785984
300 BPS DCM-5 Modem260-11775832
300 BPS DCM-6 Modem260-13935695
300 BPS DCM-7 Modem260-13945993
300 BPS AC-3 Acoustic Modem260-11745676
300 BPS AC-4 Acoustic Modem260-11795690
300 BPS ModemFone 100260-13865988
1200 BPS Internal Modem250-10134739
1200 BPS Internal Modem250-1013D4912
1200 BPS Internal Modem250-1013E4750
1200 BPS Internal Modem250-1013F4489
1200 BPS Plus Modem250-1018(See Note A)5106
1200 BPS Plus Modem250-1018A(See Note A)4778
1200 BPS DC-2212 Modem260-11765681
1200 BPS DCM-212 Modem260-1385A5953
1200 BPS Modem250-3510(See Note B)4760
1200 BPS Modem250-3510A(See Note B)4926
2400 BPS Internal Modem250-10345047
2400 BPS Internal Modem250-10374692
2400 BPS Internal Modem250-1037B5003
2400 BPS Internal Modem250-1037C5011
2400 BPS Internal Modem250-1037D5019
2400 BPS Internal Modem250-30254920
2400 BPS Internal Modem250-3025B5787
2400 BPS External Modem250-30265027
2400 BPS Internal Modem250-3524(See Note B)5037
2400 BPS Internal Modem250-3525(See Note C)4933
2400 BPS Internal Modem250-3538(See Note D)4498
2400 BPS Internal Modem250-3555(See Note E)4770
2400/9600 BPS Faxmodem250-10704854
2400/9600 BPS Faxmodem250-30274865
2400/9600 BPS Faxmodem250-3027B5748
9600 BPS Faxmodem250-30295215
9600 BPS Faxmodem250-30305229
14.400 Modem & Fax250-30363247
14.400 Modem & Fax250-3036B3660
V.34 Faxmodem250-303714487
14.400 Modem/Fax/Voice250-303814593
2400/9600 BPS Faxmodem250-3105(See Note H)5727
2400/9600 BPS Faxmodem250-3509(See Note C)4879
2400/9600 BPS Faxmodem250-3532(See Note C)4888
2400/9600 BPS Faxmodem250-3542(See Note F)4782
Faxmodem250-3581(See Note G)5558


A - For the Tandy 1000HX and 1000EX Computers.

B - For the Tandy 1400LT, 1400FD, and 1400HD Laptop Computers.

C - For the Tandy 1500HD, 1800HD, 2810HD, 2820HD, 3800HD, 3810HD,3820HD, 3830SL, and 3830SL/C Laptop Computers.

D - For the Tandy 1100FD and 1110HD Laptop Computers.

E - For the Tandy 2800HD Laptop Computer.

F - For the Tandy 4800HD and 4860HD Laptop Computers.

G - For the Tandy 3900, 3950, 3950C Laptop Computers.

H - For the Tandy Personal Digital Assistant (Z-PDA).

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