CDR-3100 (250-1098) Features Faxback Doc. # 2599 Your Tandy CDR-3100 CD-ROM Drive uses the latest technology for information storage and retrieval. A single CD (compact disc) can hold up to 550 megabytes of computer data - that's more than the contents of 100 textbooks or a complete set of encyclopedias, including the pictures! After you install the hardware and software as described in the manual, you can access the information on CD-ROMs the same way you access data on a hard drive or a diskette. The only thing you can't do is save information onto CDs. Remember that ROM stands for read only memory. You can install the CDR-3100 in PC/XT/AT-compatible computers that have an unused 5 1/4" drive bay. Your computer must also have MS-DOS Version 3.30.00 or later. NOTES: ° If you are not familiar with computer hardware installation, we suggest you let your local Radio Shack store personnel have the drive installed for you. ° After you install the drive hardware, you must install the CD-ROM software. The CDR-3100 software has a simple-to-use setup program that guides you through every step of its installation. The CDR-3100 is a single speed, external drive. It is not PhotoCD or MultiSession compatible. (jlc/tmc-09/29/95)