LP 400 (260-2888) Control Codes Faxback Doc. # 4063 Note: This printer emulates the HP LaserJet IIP. Command Summary: FUNCTION MNEMONIC HEXADECIMAL DECIMAL Backspace BS 08 8 Horizontal Tab HT 09 9 Line Feed LF 0A 10 Form Feed FF 0C 12 Carriage Return CR 0D 13 Shift Out SO 0E 14 Shift In SI 0F 15 Escape ESC 1B 27 Space SP 20 32 Job Control: Self Test ESC z 1B 7A 27 122 Reset Printer ESC E 1B 45 27 69 Number of Copies ESC &InX 1B 26 6C n 58 27 38 108 n 88 Line and Page Control: Paper Input Control ESC &InH 1B 26 6C n 48 27 38 108 n 72 Page Length and Size: Page Size ESC &InA 1B 26 6C n 41 27 38 108 n 65 Set Page Length ESC &InP 1B 26 6C n 50 27 38 108 n 80 Select Page ESC &InO 1B 26 6C n 4F 27 38 108 n 79 Orientation Margins and Text Length: Set Top Margin ESC &InE 1B 26 6C n 45 27 38 108 n 69 Set Text Length ESC &InF 1B 26 6C n 46 27 38 108 n 70 Set Left Margin ESC &IanL 1B 26 6C n 4C 27 38 97 n 76 Set Right Margin ESC &IanM 1B 26 6C n 4D 27 38 97 n 77 Clear Side Margins ESC 9 1B 39 27 57 Perforation Skip Mode: Perforation Skip Mode ESC &InL 1B 26 6C n 4c 27 38 108 n 76 On/Off Horizontal Column Spacing: Set Vertical Motion ESC &knH 1B 26 6B n 48 27 38 107 n 72 Index (HMI) Vertical Line Spacing: Set Vertical Motion ESC &InC 1B 26 6C n 43 27 38 108 n 67 Index (VMI) Set lines per inch ESC &InD 1B 26 6C n 44 27 38 108 n 68 Cursor Control: Horizontal and Vertical: Horizontal Cursor ESC &anC 1B 26 61 n 43 27 38 97 n 67 Positioning (Columns) Horizontal Cursor ESC &pnX 1B 2A 70 n 58 27 42 112 n 88 Positioning (Dots) Horizontal Cursor ESC &anH 1B 26 61 n 48 27 38 97 n 72 Positioning (Decipoints) Vertical Cursor ESC &anR 1B 26 61 n 52 27 38 97 n 82 Positioning (Dots) Vertical Cursor ESC *pnY 1B 2A 70 n 59 27 42 112 n 89 Positioning (Decipoints) Half Line Feed ESC = 1B 3D 27 61 Line Termination: Line Termination ESC &knG 1B 26 6B n 47 27 38 107 n 71 Push/Pop Position: Push/Pop Position ESC &fnS 1B 26 66 n 53 27 38 102 n 83 Character and Font Control: Symbol Set Selection: Symbol Set Selection ESC (nID 1B 28 n ID 27 40 n ID (Primary) Symbol Set Selection ESC )nID 1B 29 n ID 27 41 n ID (Secondary) Spacing: Select Character ESC (snP 1B 28 73 31 50 27 40 115 49 80 Spacing (Primary) Select Character ESC )snP 1B 29 73 31 50 27 41 115 49 80 Spacing (Secondary) Pitch: Select Font Pitch ESC (snH 1B 28 73 n 48 27 40 115 n 72 (Primary) Select Font Pitch ESC )snH 1B 29 73 n 48 27 41 115 n 72 (Secondary) Point Size: Character Height ESC (snV 1B 28 73 n 56 27 40 115 n 86 Selection (Primary) Character Height ESC )snV 1B 29 73 n 56 27 41 115 n 86 Selection (Secondary) Style: Select Character ESC (snV 1B 28 73 n 53 27 40 115 n 83 Style (Primary) Select Character ESC )snV 1B 28 73 n 53 27 40 115 n 83 Style (Secondary) Character Thickness: Select Thickness ESC (snB 1B 28 73 n 42 27 40 115 n 66 (Primary) Select Thickness ESC )snB 1B 29 73 n 42 27 41 115 n 66 (Secondary) Typeface: Select Font Typeface ESC )snT 1B 28 73 n 54 27 40 115 n 84 (Primary) Select Font Typeface ESC (snT 1B 29 73 n 54 27 41 115 n 84 (Secondary) Font Pitch: Select Print Pitch ESC &knS 1B 26 6B n 53 27 38 107 n 83 Default Primary Font ESC (n@ 1B 28 n 40 27 40 n 64 Default Sec'dary Font ESC )n@ 1B 29 n 40 27 41 n 64 Underline: Enable Auto- ESC &dnD 1B 26 64 n 44 27 38 100 n 68 Underlining Disable Auto- ESC &d@ 1B 26 64 40 27 38 100 64 Underlining Font Management: Specify Font ID ESC *cnD 1B 2A 63 n 44 27 42 99 n 68 Font and Character ESC *cnF 1B 2A 63 n 46 27 42 99 n 70 Control Font Selection by ID Number: Designate Download ESC (nX 1B 28 n 58 27 40 n 88 Font as Primary Designate Download ESC )nX 1B 29 n 58 27 41 n 88 Font as Secondary Soft Font Creation: Download Character ESC (snW 1B 28 73 n 57 27 40 115 n 87 [DATA] Download Font ESC )snW 1B 29 73 n 57 27 41 115 n 87 (Font Descriptor) [DATA] Specify Character ESC *cnE 1B 2A 63 n 45 27 42 99 n 69 Code Graphics Control: Raster Graphics: Raster Graphics ESC *tnR 1B 2A 74 n 52 27 42 116 n 82 Resolution Start Raster Graphics ESC *rnA 1B 2A 72 n 41 27 42 114 n 65 Transfer Raster ESC *bnW 1B 2A 62 n 57 27 42 98 n 87 Graphics [DATA] End Raster Graphics ESC *rB 1B 2A 72 42 27 42 114 66 Raster Graphics ESC *rnF 1B 2A 72 n 46 27 42 114 n 70 Presentation Mode Set Compression Mode ESC *bnM 1B 2A 62 n 4D 27 42 98 n 77 Long edge Offset ESC &InU 1B26 62 n 55 27 38 108 n 85 Registration Short-edge Offset ESC &InZ 1B 26 6C n 5A 27 38 108 n 90 Registration Duplex Page Side ESC &InZ 1B 26 61 n 47 27 38 97 n 71 Selection Rectangle Dimensions: Horizontal Rule/ ESC *cnA 1B 2A 63 n 41 27 42 99 n 65 Pattern Size (Dots) Horizontal Rule/ ESC *cnH 1B 2A 63 n 48 27 42 99 n 72 Patter Size (Deci- points) Vertical Rule/Pattern ESC *cnB 1B 2A 63 n 42 27 42 99 n 66 Size (Dots) Vertical Rule/Pattern ESC *cnV 1B 2A 63 n 56 27 42 99 n 86 Size (Decipoints) Rectangular Area Fill: Print Rule/Pattern ESC *cnP 1B 2A 63 n 50 27 42 99 n 80 Pattern ID ESC *cnG 1B 2A 63 n 47 27 42 99 n 71 Macro ID and Control: Macro ID ESC &fnY 1B 26 66 n 59 27 38 102 n 89 Macro Control ESC &fnX 1B 26 66 n 58 27 38 102 n 88 Other Control: Enter Display ESC Y 1B 59 27 89 Functions Mode Exit Display ESC Z 1B 5A 27 90 Functions Mode Transparent Print ESC &pnX 1B 26 70 n 58 27 38 112 n 88 Data [DATA] Wrap Around Mode ESC &snC 1B 26 73 n 43 27 38 115 n 67 Set Emulation ESC FSn 1B 1C n 27 28 n Reset/Initialization: ┌─────────────────┬─────────────┬───────────┬───────────────────┬─────────┐ │ │POWER │RESET KEY │RESET │EMULATION│ │ │OFF/ON │ │COMMAND │CHANGE │ │ │ │ │ │COMMAND │ ├─────────────────┼─────────────┼───────────┼───────────────────┼─────────┤ │Data in Buffer │Clear │Clear │The Reset command │Clear │ │ │ │ │prints any partial │ │ │ │ │ │pages of data │ │ │ │ │ │received │ │ ├─────────────────┼─────────────┼───────────┼───────────────────┼─────────┤ │Download/Macro │Clear │Does not │Does not clear │Clear │ │(Permanent Only) │ │clear │ │ │ ├─────────────────┼─────────────┼───────────┼───────────────────┼─────────┤ │Function Menu │Front panel │Does not │Does not change │Does not │ │Items "Data │configuration│change │ │change │ │Buffer" "Over │ │ │ │ │ │Load" "Interface"│ │ │ │ │ ├─────────────────┼─────────────┼───────────┼───────────────────┼─────────┤ │Function Menu │Front panel │Front Panel│Does not Change │Does not │ │item "Emulation" │configuration│configur- │ │change │ │ │ │ation │ │ │ ├─────────────────┼─────────────┼───────────┼───────────────────┼─────────┤ │Other Function │Front panel │Front Panel│Front panel │Does not │ │Menu │configuration│configur- │configuration │change │ │ │ │ation │ │ │ └─────────────────┴─────────────┴───────────┴───────────────────┴─────────┘ (dtc/BKL-06/19/96)