300 BPS DCM-2 Modem (260-1173) Selftest Faxback Doc. # 5980 TEST MODE OPERATION If you have communication problems, first check all your connections and cables! If neither you nor the person you're communicating with locate a connection or cable problem, run the LOCal Test (both computers should run this test). If both Modems pass the LOCal Test, run the REMote Test together. If both systems pass the REMote Test, and you're still having problems with data transfer, contact your nearest Radio Shack Computer Center. LOCal Test The LOCal Test checks your modem's filters, power supply and circuitry. If one of the modems fails the LOCal Test, isolate the problem and solve it. The most common cause of failure is a damaged cable or improper connection. 1. Set your Modem's POWER Switch to ON. 2. Set the TEST Switch the LOC (since the Modem II always runs the Test first, you can have the Mode Switches set to any combination). The modem's CD light will come on. 3. Type some letters and/or numbers on your Computer's keyboard. If what you type is displayed on your Screen, your Modem has passed the LOCal Test. If the characters are not displayed, the Modem has failed the test. 4. If your Modem failed the LOCal Test (the typed characters did not appear on your screen), check the cables and connections. Then run the test again. If both modems pass the LOCal Test and the problem persists, run the REMote test. TO GET OUT OF THE TEST MODE.... How you get out of the Test Mode depends on how you got into it. In the Manual Mode, just set your Modem's POWER Switch to OFF or set the TEST Switch to OFF. If you're in the AUTOmatic Mode and got into the Test Mode by typing QX, set FORCE DTR to OFF and then back to ON. Your Modem will then execute according to the Mode Switches. REMote Test If both of the modems pass the LOCal Test and data transmission is still inaccurate, run the REMote Test. This test loops the RS-232 data from the modem receiver to the driver. In doing so, it checks the operation of the modems, terminals, and phone connections. You'll need the cooperation of another person who is using a modem. 1. Establish communication with the other person. 2. The other person should set his/her TEST Switch to REM (if they are using a Modem II). 3. Set your TEST Switch to OFF. 4. Type some letters and/or numbers on your keyboard. If the characters are displayed first on the other Video Display and then on your Display, both systems have passed the REMote Test. Repeat the test, reversing the switches and having the other person type, just to be sure. If the characters don't appear on both screens, both you and the other person should repeat the LOCal Test. If the LOCal Test does not detect any problems, but the system still doesn't pass the REMote Test, you've probably got phone line problems. If the situation persists, contact your phone company. (css/BKL-01/25/96)