Soft Dome Midrange (400-1281) Installation Faxback Doc. # 14234 Speakers This Soft Dome Midrange Speaker can be added to any existing 8 ohm speaker system merely by connecting it. (Use the cross-over capacitor supplied - leaving this capacitor out may permit low frequencies to damage the voice coil). The Speaker does not need to be mounted inside the existing enclosure, not does it require specific baffling. You can mount it on top of or on the side of the existing enclosure. If you do mount it inside an existing enclosure, mount it from the outside (or some other method) so the front edge of the Midrange is flush with the front of the baffle board. This will insure proper sound dispersion and avoid beaming effects. NOTE: With capacitor supplied, the Midrange will have a low-end cross- over at 1400 Hz. Using different values of cross-over capacitors will provide different cross-over frequencies. A 22 ohm will provide a 900 Hz cross-over (power handling will decrease to 40 watts). 6.8 ohms will result in 2900 Hz cross-over (with power handling increasing to 80 watts). (ALL-03/16/95)