Realistic Stereo-Mate AM/FM Headset Radio (120-0104) Specifications Faxback Doc. # 18173 General Power Supply Voltage:....................3V (2-"AAA" or "IEC R-03" Battery) Load Impedance:.....................................................32 Ohms Output:............................................................... 5 mW Modulation:..................................................AM:400 Hz, 30% FM:400Hz, 75kHz Deviation RF Input:...................................................AM:Loop Antenna FM:Direct Input from 75-Ohm Impedance Source AM Band Item Freq. (kHz) Unit Nominal Limit Frequency Coverage Low end kHz 515 520 High end kHz 1750 1705 Maximum Sensitivity 600 uV/m 500 1000 1000 uV/m 500 1000 1400 uV/m 500 1000 Sensitivity at 20 dB S/N 600 uV/m 1000 1500 1000 uV/m 1000 1500 1400 uV/m 1000 1500 Signal-to-noise Ratio at 5 mV/m 1000 dB 35 30 IF Rejection 600 dB 60 50 Image Rejection 1400 dB 30 20 Bandwidth, -6 dB 1000 kHz 4-10 ACA 990 kHz/1010 kHz 1000 dB 24 18 Maximum Output Power 1000 mW 30 25 10% THD Output Power 1000 mW 25 20 AGC FOM at 100mV/m 1000 dB 45 40 Whistle Modulation 2 x IF 910 % 10 15 3 x IF 1365 % 10 15 Frequency Response -6 dB 1000 Hz 50 100 2000 1800 Oscillator Drop-Out Voltage 1000 V 1.8 2 Current Drain 1000 mA 15 25 Noise Level at Volume Minimum mV 0.3 - FM Band Item Freq. (MHz) Unit Nominal Limit Frequency Coverage Low end MHz 87.0 88 High end MHz 109 108 30 dB Quieting Sensitivity 90 uV 10 20 98 uV 10 20 106 uV 10 20 -3 dB Limiting Sensitivity 98 uV 3.16 6.3 Signal-to-Noise Ratio at 1 mV Input 98 dB 60 50 IF Rejection 90 dB 70 50 Image Rejection 106 dB 25 20 AFC Holding Range 98 kHz 300-700 - Capture Ratio 98 kHz 6 10 Alternate Channel Selectivity 98 dB 20 15 Overload 98 % 1 7 Stereo Beacon Sensitivity 98 uV 10 13 Stereo Separation 100 Hz 98 dB 20 15 1 kHz 98 dB 25 20 10 kHz 98 dB 20 15 Pilot Modulation Sensitivity 98 % 5 7 Maximum Output Power 98 mW 30 25 10% THD Power Output 98 mW 25 20 NOTE: Nominal specs represent the design specs. All units should be able to approximate these--some will exceed and some may drop slightly below these specs. Limit specs represent the absolute worst condition that still might be considered acceptable; in no case should a unit fail to meet limit specs. (cd 10/17/95)