Chronomatic-8 (120-1460) Specifications Faxback Doc. # 19711 Tuning Range:...............................................AM 520-1620 kHz Intermediate Frequency:..........................................AM 455 kHz Transistors & Diodes:..................................Q1 2SC1417 Converter Q2 2SC1390 IF Amplifier Q3 2SC1390 IF " Q4 2SC1390 Audio " Q5 2SB77 or 187 Power " Q6 2SB77 or 187 Power " D1 IN60 Detector D2 W06A Rectifier THI. TH2 D-2B Temp. Comp. (Thermistor) Power Output:.................................................350 mW (Max.) Power Source:.....................120V. 60 Hz (220/240V. 50 Hz for European and Australian models) 6 watts Speaker:........................3" (7.5 cm) Permanent magnet. dynamic type. 16 ohms Cabinet Dimensions:..........3 1/4" x 10" x 5" (8.3 x 25.4 x 12.7 cm) (HWD) Clock:..................................................Telechron SD61-58-1 Weight:...............................................2 lbs. 8 oz. (1.1 kg) ITEM Nominal Limit Frequency Range 510-1650 520-1620 Sensitivity:...600 kHz...(microV/m)......250..........................500 (I.F. Freq....1000 kHz (microV/m)......250..........................500 455 kHZ) 1400 kHz...(microV/m)......250..........................500 Usable.........600 kHz...(microV/m)......500.........................1000 Sensitivity (S/N 30dB)....1000 kHz...(microV/m)......500.........................1000 1400 kHz...(microV/m)......500.........................1000 Image.........1400 kHz.....(dB)...........30...........................25 Rejection Ratio IF Rejection..600 kHz......(dB)...........30...........................25 AM Output Power (10%..........1000 kHz.....(mW)...........300.........................250 Distortion, 5mV Input) ACA...........1000 kHz.....(dB)............23..........................15 T.H.D Distortion, 5 mV Input. 1000 kHz 50 mW.......(%)..............2...........................5 Output Dial..........600 kHz +/-0.......................+/-30 Calibration...1400 kHz...................+/-0.......................+/-70 Accuracy Power Requirements AC 120 volts 60 Hz, 7W (AC 220/240 volts 50/60 Hz for European and Australian models) NOTE: Nominal Spec represent the design specs., all units be able to approximate these - some will exceed and some may drop slightly below these specs. Limit Specs represent the absolute worst condition which still might be considered acceptable. In no case should a unit should a unit perform to less than within any Limit Specs. (LB/all-03/01/96)