2500 XL (250-4074) Mouse Faxback Doc. # 1157 Under the Hardware help notes in Flex, for the 2500 XL it states that the mouse port is a DB-9 connector. It is actually a PS-2 connector and has 6 pins. Please note below the PS-2 connector. It would be appreciated if this information could be posted under the Help Notes for the 2500 XL. Keyboard, mouse, and auxiliary device connectors PIN ASSIGNMENTS: 1. Data 6 5 2. Reserved * ┌─┐ * 3. Ground 4 │ │ 3 4. +5 Vdc * └─┘ * 5. Clock 2 1 6. Reserved * * ___________________________________________________________________________ MOUSE AND LOGITECH DRIVERS The MOUSE.SYS and MOUSE.COM that is now included with MS-DOS versions 3.3 in the 2500XL, 2500XL2, and all newer 4000's is a Logitech Mouse Driver. When loaded, DOS will present a Logitech Mouse Driver Screen, not a MicroSoft Mouse driver screen. This driver will work fine with the 25-1040A, 25-1040B, and 25-1040C Tandy Serial Mouses. it will not work properly with thee original 25-1040 Tandy Serial Mouse, they must get the MOUSE.COM and MOUSE.SYS files from 25-4109 MS-DOS. If you have the customer turn over the mouse, the catalog number is on the bottom of the mouse on the identification plate. (/tmc-04/25/95)