TANDY 2000 (260-5103) Floppy Drive Information Faxback Doc. # 1294 The Floppy Diskette Drive uses special 5-1/4" double-sided, double-density diskettes to read, write or store data. These are 96TSI soft sector diskettes. The floppy diskettes store approximately 730 Kbytes of data. Formatting Diskettes: The MS-DOS diskette which came with your Computer contains PCMAKER.COM, a powerful utility that formats a diskette so that it can be used on an IBM PC or XT computer, as well as on the Tandy Model 2000. To enable easy access to PCMAKER.COM, use the MS-DOS COPY command to transfer the file to your system disk. If you have a floppy disk system, copy it to the MS-DOS System Diskette that you use in Drive A. If you have a hard disk sys-tem, copy it to Drive C. Hard Disk Users: It is assumed that you are operating your computer with a hard disk. If you are not, copy the files to Drive A, and change the drive letter as needed when entering the PCMAKER command. After copying PCMAKER to your MS-DOS System Diskette, follow these steps to format a Model 2000/IBM diskette: Start up your Model 2000 from the disk containing PCMAKER. At the system prompt, enter the PCMAKER command. Its format is: PCMAKER [drive] [/V] * DRIVE is the drive to contain the diskette to be formatted. It is either A: or B:. If you omit the drive specification, PCMAKER formats the diskette in the current drive. * /V causes PCMAKER to ask you to enter a volume label for the diskette. At the label prompt, enter a label (name) that is a maximum of 11 characters, or press to bypass the prompt. For example, to format a diskette in Drive B and give it the label PCFORMDATA1, type: PCMAKER B: /V After you enter the command, PCMAKER displays: INSERT NEW DISKETTE FOR DRIVE B: AND STRIKE ANY KEY WHEN READY Insert the diskette to be formatted, and press the space bar. At the volume label prompt, type PCFORMDATA1 . PCMAKER formats the diskette. After PCMAKER finishes formatting, you can use the diskette interchangeably on the Tandy Model 2000 and the IBM PC and XT computers. (/tmc-10/06/95)