4866 LX/T (250-5144) Specifications Faxback Doc. # 1997 Dimensions: 6 1/2 x 18 x 17" Bus Speed: 8.25MHz/11MHz Processor: 80486/DX2 CPU Speed: 66 MHz FCC Class: B, UL Listed Wait States: 0 # of Slots: (7) 16-bit ISA Add. Device Exp: (1) 3 1/2",(3) 5 1/4" (6 open),(1) 16-bit Max. Memory: 64 MB IDE Connector Mem Cache: 8KB Std. Memory: 4 MB Power Supply: 300 watts MTBF: N/A Keyboard: 101-key enhanced Op. Sys: Includes 5.0 MS-DOS, Math Co.: Built-in 80486/DX2 Supports Unix,Xenix,OS/2 Floppy: 1.44 MB 3.5" Video: 16-bit SVGA Video Chip: WD90C30 Environment: Operating: N/A Heat Output: N/A Storage: N/A Std. Ports: (2) Serial, (1) Mouse PS/2 Humidity: N/A (1) Bidirectional Parallel Non-Operating: N/A Video: 512K Upgradeable to 1024K CURRENT BIOS ROM Version: 01.02.04 Utilities Version: 00.00.00 (tmc-03/03/95)