Legend 100CD (250-0407) Recovery and Restore Faxback Doc. # 15009 RECOVERY DISK This disk reinstalls operating files to the harddrive in case the computer does not boot properly. It should be used to replace startup files, etc. in the event of a minor problem. In the event of a major problem (complete reformat of your hard drive, see the instructions for using the restore diskette / CD combination later in this document. Follow these steps to use the recovery diskette: 1. Turn off your computer 2. Insert the disk 3. Turn on your computer 4. Follow the onscreen instructions Options: F1 - Allows your computer to startup from its hard disk. (Copies system files back to the hard drive) F2 - Copy original Autoexec.bat and Config.sys to C: F3 - Copy DOS utility files to the DOS directory on drive C: (attrib, msbackup, scandisk, chkdsk, debug, dblspace, format, fdisk, sys, unformat, and undelete) F4 - Restore specific information files (F1) - Windows (F3) - Root Directory (F5) - Disk Image (.ini for disk image program) (F6) - Navigator (.ini for navigator and all accompanying programs) NOTE: You can also type 'recovery' at the A> prompt to execute the menu of the Recovery program. PACKARD BELL MULTIMEDIA RESTORE DISKETTE AND MASTER CD This diskette / CD combo are used to completely restore your hard drive to factory condition after a system failure. Options: 1. Restore harddrive contents from the Master CD 2. Format harddrive 3. Run Scandisk 4. Exit to DOS prompt 5. Help NOTE: Option #1 will not erase any data files, it will only reset applications to factory settings and the screen color and preferences to default. Option #2 to format the harddrive must be run prior to Option #1 if you wish to remove all data and programs from the harddrive before doing the restore. The restore takes approximately 20-25 minutes and you can simply press a key to reboot the computer after the restore is complete. (ABO/all-04/19/95)