AST Advantage! 6033s (250-0403) Logo Faxback Doc. # 16309 To create the original Windows logo screen of the AST 6033SX system: 1. Go into Windows SETUP from within Windows. Change the video driver loaded to any other video mode supported, noting the driver currently being used. 2. Rename the file VGALOGO.RLE to OLDVGA.RLE. Copy the file VGALOGO.RLE (44,792 bytes) into the C:\WINDOWS directory. (It was suggested to make a copy of this file earlier. It will not be on any diskettes you have made with the previous procedures.) 3. Restart Windows. Change the video mode back into the original mode selected. Save changes and restart Windows. 4. Now completely exit Windows to the MS-DOS prompt. Reload Windows. The new VGALOGO.RLE file should now load. (CC/all-08/04/95)