IBM Aptiva M50/M51 (250-0440) Autoexec.bat Faxback Doc. # 16870 The following is the default autoexec.bat file for the IBM Aptiva. @Copy C:\WINDOWS\WINDOS.COM C:\WINDOWS\WIN.COM /Y @ERASE C:\NOGUI.DAT > NULL @ECHO OFF PATH C:\WINDOWS;C:\DOS;C:\PS1TOOLS;C:\;C:\TCPDOS\BIN;C:\MWW\DLL; (new line) C:\MWD\MANAGER SET COMSPEC=C:\DOS\COMMAND.COM GOTO %config% :APTIVA REM RESUME is necessary for Rapid Resume to work properly. C:\PS1TOOLS\RESUME SET TMP=C:\DOS SET WIN$=C:\WINDOWS SET IBMAV=C:\DOS LH C:\DOS\MOUSE REM PS1PFILE allocates a save area necessary for the Rapid Resume function. C:\PS1TOOLS\PS1PFILE.EXE LH C:\DOS\DOSKEY C:\LAUNCHPD\KIDSTSR.COM CALL IICSTART CALL C:\DOS\IBMAVDR.BAT C:\DOS\ CALL MWAVE START REM HWCHECK checks your hardware for the System Information program in REM Custom Tools. C:\PS1TOOLS\HWCHECK C:\PS1TOOLS\PS1START.BAT :DOS CALL MWAVE START (CSC/all-09/14/95)