AST Advantage! 6066d (250-0404/412) Hard Drive Faxback Doc. # 3531 Reinstallation Installing and Operating System and Software Following are the steps to install the DOS and the AST Works software. 1. Place the Startup floppy disk in Drive A:. 2. Place the Advantage! Data DISC 2/0 in the CD-ROM drive. 3. Boot up the computer. 4. Answer Y at the warning message (NOTE: all data will be erased!). The installation process will take approximately 15 minutes. 5. When the installation is complete, reboot the computer. If for some reason after completing the HD reinstallation procedure, the Mitsumi CD-ROM drive is still not being recognized by the system, you need to run the following batch file: FIXUP.BAT This file is located on the HD Reinstallation Floppy Diskette in the A\:FIXUP directory. To run this batch file, complete the following steps: 1. Place the Reinstallation Floppy in Drive A. 2. Type: A: (where is the enter or return key on your keyboard) 3. Type: CD FIXUP 4. Type: FIXUP These will steps will execute the FIXUP.BAT file that copies the correct CD-ROM drivers to your hard drive and updates the AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files with the proper drivers. PLEASE NOTE: If you purchased the AST 6066 through Radio Shack, you should have an AST WORKS Data Disc 2.0 with the number 916021-001 on it. Normally, you should not have to run the FIXUP.BAT program. The basic HD reinstallation instructions should run the FIXUP.BAT automatically. We have had only one or two reports os someone having to manually run the FIXUP.BAT file themselves. (JJS/tmc-03/31/95)