HTX-212 Two-Meter Mobile Transceiver (190-1125) Features Faxback Doc. # 15168 Your HTX-212 Two-Meter Mobile Transceiver is an exciting addition to Radio Shack's growing line of high-quality amateur radio equipment. It offers some of the most advanced, and most requested, features available in a mobile transceiver. NOTE: You must have a Technician Class or high Amateur Radio Operator's License and a call sign issued by the FCC to legally transmit using this transceiver. Transmitting without a license carries heavy penalties. Getting a license is easier than ever. High (45 Watts) and Low (10 Watts)- let you select the best power setting Power Settings for effective communications. True FM Modulation - provides a clear, natural-sounding signal. 31 Memory Channels - hold one calling frequency and 30 standard frequencies. Priority Memory Channel 1 - lets you set the HTX-212 to periodically check the frequency stored in Memory Channel 1 and alert you if there is activity on it. Individually Programmable - let you program different repeater Repeater Offsets offset frequencies for each memory, and a default repeater offset for manually- tuned frequencies. Subaudible Tone Transmit and - transmits the subaudible tones required Receive (CTCSS) to use some repeaters, and also lets you set a subaudible tone that your transceiver must receive to open squelch. DTMF Page with Group Calling - lets you set a sequence of up to seven DTMF tones that your transceiver must receive to sound an alert tone and open squelch. DTMF Transmit and Memory - lets you manually send DTMF tones or send DTMF sequences of up to 15 digits each from one of six DTMF memories to quickly access DTMF-access repeaters, autopatches, or other stations equipped with a DTMF page feature. Programmable Frequency Step - lets you set the frequency step for tuning or scanning to 5, 10, 12.5, 20, 25, 50, or 100 kHz. Extended Band Coverage - receives from 136 to 174 MHz and lets you extend transmit coverage to include 2-meter ham. MARS (Military Amateur Radio Service), and CAP (Civil Air Patrol). Dual VFO (Variable-Frequency - two independent VFOs let you quickly Oscillator) and Duplex Modes select between two directly-entered frequencies. You can also use one of the VFOs as a repeater input frequency and the other as a repeater output frequency for odd-split repeaters. (CS 2/14/96)