PRO-2002 AM/FM Scanning Receiver (200-0116) Error Indications Faxback Doc. # 18980 Sometimes when you try to enter a frequency for a channel or as a Search range limit, you may find an Error on the Display. This means the frequency is in error and you won't be able to enter it into your PRO-2002. Such frequency errors usually mean you've entered a frequency outside the ranges your PRO-2002 operates on (such as 225.00 MHz) or you've put the decimal point in the wrong place (14.682 MHz instead of 146.82 MHz. Check carefully to find your mistake and then press CLEAR. You can now enter the correct frequency. In case you're wondering... ... the tuning range of your PRO-2002 is permanently stored in the microprocessor chip. There's no way it can be extended or altered-even by a skilled electronics technician. So if you try to enter a frequency not in the PRO-2002's tuning ranges, you'll get an error message every time! To listen to CB, shortwave or broadcasting bands, you'll need another receiver designed for that purpose (like our famous DX-302 shortwave receiver). (/all-02/14/96)