Crossbow CB Base Station Antenna (210-0967) Features Faxback Doc. # 31329 The Crossbow antenna is a 1/2 wavelength radiator, and is tuned to 50 ohms by means of an internal matching transformer and capacitor. It is pre- tuned, and not adjustable. The 1/2 wavelength design provides good radiation resistance. This antenna is capable of handling an absolute maximum of 25 Watts RF power; however, the legal limit for citizen's band is 4 W carrier in AM mode and 12 Watt PEP in sideband. We will neither support nor recommend its use outside these legal limits. This antenna may be said to have a 3 dB effective gain over an isotropic radiator (theoretical 1/4 wavelength wire) due to its radiation pattern having a greater concentration of power in the lower lobes. There is no need for a ground-plane or radials with the Crossbow and it may be used at ground level or any height above terrain within local restrictions. (/all-03/22/96)