Mega 2050X Chess Computer (600-2441) Advanced Functions Faxback Doc. # 33671 VERIFYING PIECE POSITIONS If you want to verify the location of any piece on the chess board, you can use the piece symbol keys any time to find the position of all pieces. Each time you press a piece symbol key, the computer displays the piece's color and location, and the rank/file board lights indicate the piece's location. The piece symbol keys look like this. KING - locates (WHITE [] ) KING and (BLACK [] ) KING QUEEN - locates (WHITE [] ) QUEEN and (BLACK [] ) QUEEN ROOKS - locates (WHITE [] ) ROOKS and (BLACK [] ) ROOKS BISHOPS - locates (WHITE [] ) BISHOPS and (BLACK [] ) BISHOPS KNIGHTS - locates (WHITE [] ) KNIGHTS and (BLACK [] ) KNIGHTS PAWNS - locates (WHITE [] ) PAWNS and (BLACK [] ) PAWNS For example, if the white queen is on square D1 and you want to verify its location, press the queen piece symbol key once. The computer displays (WHITE [] ) QUEEN d1. Or, if the black queen is on square F6 and you want to verify its location, press the queen piece symbol key twice. The computer displays (BLACK QUEEN) F6. To locate all pieces of the same type, repeatedly press the piece symbol key for the type. If there is more than one of the same color piece of that type on the board, the display and the rank/file board lights show the location of each like piece each time you press the piece symbol key. If you continue to press the piece symbol key, the display and the rank/file board lights show you the location of each of the other color's pieces of the same type. NOTE: If you press a piece symbol key more times than the total number of pieces of that type on the chess board, the display shows the piece symbol only. Press CLEAR to return to normal play. TALKING BACK MOVES This function lets you take back any move made by you or the computer after the move has been completed. The computer even reminds you to return a previously captured piece to the board or a castled rook to its original square. NOTES: If you are not sure about the position of a previously captured piece or castled rook, see "Verifying Piece Positions", above. If you change your mind about a move before pressing a piece down on its TO square, follow the procedures in "Correcting Accidental Wrong Moves", on Faxback Doc. # 33669. 1. Press TAKE BACK. The rank/file board lights show the TO square of the last move, and the display shows (BLACK [] ) and (WHITE [] ), the piece symbol for the last-moved piece, the FROM square, and the TO square of the last move. 2. Press the piece on the indicated TO square. The rank/file board lights change to show the FROM square of the last move. 3. Move the piece from the TO square to the FROM square. 4. Press the piece on the indicated FROM square. NOTE: The game timer shows the total amount of time the computer has taken to move during the current game. 5. Repeat Steps 1 through 4 to take back additional moves. You can take back up to 30 ply of moves (a ply is one of your moves or one of the computer's moves). PROBLEM SETUP You can use the setup mode: To erase, re-enter, or relocate pieces any time before or during a game To set up problems or puzzles for the computer to solve NOTE: If you have already started a game, you must press POSITION during your turn to enter the setup mode. Otherwise, you can press POSITION any time. Before using this mode to create your own positions, familiarize yourself with this procedure by setting up the board positions described in the following examples. Full Board Setup In a full board problem setup, the computer records the positions you enter into memory and assumes all other pieces remain in their initial positions. You only need to go through these steps for pieces that you want to remove or move from their initial positions. Follow these steps to set up a game with most of the chess pieces in their original positions. 1. Set up all of the pieces on the board. 2. Press NEW GAME. 3. Press POSITION. The computer displays - POS -. 4. Press the piece symbol key for the piece you want to move or remove and (WHITE [] ) / < or (BLACK [] ) / > to change the color, if necessary. The computer displays (BLACK [] ) or (WHITE [] ) and the piece symbol for the piece you want to move or remove. 5. Press the piece you want to move or remove on its FROM square. The computer displays (BLACK [] ) or (WHITE [] ) and the piece symbol, -, and the square the piece is on. The rank/file board lights also show the piece's FROM square. 6. If you want to move the piece, move the piece to the desired square, then press it on the square. The computer displays (BLACK [] ) or (WHITE [] ) and the piece symbol, +, and the TO square the piece is on. The rank/file board lights also show the piece's TO square. If you want to remove the piece, just remove the piece from the board. The display does not change. 7. Repeat Steps 5 and 6 for any other pieces you want to move or remove. 8. When you finish setting up the pieces, press (WHITE [] ) / < or (BLACK [] ) / > until the computer displays (BLACK [] ) or (WHITE [] ) for the color that will start, then press CLEAR. Or, simply press CLEAR, then choose the level you want and begin the game. NOTE: If the computer beeps an error tone, one or more pieces were moved, removed, or entered illegally. To correct the set up, see "Correcting Illegal Setups", on Faxback Doc. # 33671. Partial Board Setup Follow these steps to clear the chessboard and set up only a few pieces. 1. Press NEW GAME. 2. Press POSITION. The computer displays -POS-. 3. Press ENTER. The computer displays [===] and clears the positions of all pieces from the board. 4. Press ENTER again. The computer displays (WHITE [] ). 5. Press the piece symbol key for the piece you want to add and the (WHITE [] ) / < or (BLACK [] ) / > to change the color, if necessary. The computer displays (BLACK [] ) or (WHITE [] ) and the piece symbol for the piece you want to add. 6. Press the piece you want to add on its TO square. The computer displays (BLACK [] ) or (WHITE [] ) and the piece symbol, +, and the square the piece is on. The rank/file board lights also show the TO square. 7. Repeat Steps 5 and 6 for any other pieces you want to add. 8. When you finish setting up the pieces, press (WHITE [] ) / < or (BLACK [] ) / > until the computer displays (BLACK [] ) or (WHITE [] ) for the color that will start, then press CLEAR. Or, simply press CLEAR, then play the game. NOTE: If the computer beeps an error tone, one or more pieces were added illegally. To correct the set up, see "Correcting Illegal Setups", on Faxback Doc. # 33671. Adding Pieces During a Game Follow these steps to add pieces during a game. 1. Press POSITION. The computer displays -POS-. 2. Press the piece symbol key for the piece you want to add and (WHITE [] ) / < or (BLACK [] ) / > to change the color, if necessary. The computer displays (BLACK [] ) or (WHITE [] ) and the piece symbol for the piece you want to add. 3. Press the new piece onto the square where you want to add it. The computer displays (BLACK [] ) or (WHITE [] ) and the piece symbol, +, and the square the piece is on. The rank/file board lights also show the square. 4. Repeat Steps 2 - 3 for any other pieces you want to add. 5. When you finish setting up the pieces, press CLEAR. NOTE: If the computer beeps an error tone, one or more pieces were added illegally. To correct the set up, see "Correcting Illegal Setups", below. Removing Pieces During a Game Follow these steps to remove pieces during a game. 1. Press POSITION. The computer displays -POS-. 2. Press the piece symbol key for the piece you want to remove and (WHITE [] ) / < or (BLACK [] ) / > to change the color, if necessary. The computer displays (BLACK [] ) or (WHITE [] ) and the piece symbol for the piece you want to remove. 3. Press the piece you want to remove onto its square, then remove it. The computer displays (BLACK [] ) or (WHITE [] ) and the piece symbol, -, and the square the piece was on. The rank/file board lights also show the square. 4. Repeat Steps 2-3 for any other pieces you want to remove. 5. When you finish setting up the pieces, press CLEAR. NOTE: If the computer beeps an error tone, one or more pieces were removed illegally. To correct the set up, see "Correcting Illegal Setups", below. Correcting Illegal Setups To be legal, a setup must meet the following conditions. Each side has one king. The king for the side which is to move is not in check. There are no pawns on the first or eighth rank. If the computer beeps an error tone, one or more pieces were set up illegally. To correct the set up: 1. Press the piece symbol key for each piece on the board to verify piece positions. See "Verifying Piece Positions", above. 2. Set up a piece, remove the illegal piece, or replace an incorrectly placed piece with the correct piece for that square. See "Erasing or Adding Pieces During a Game", above. 3. Press CLEAR. (WL/EB 5/30/96)