Talking Chess Tutor (600-2255) Special Functions Faxback Doc. # 34382 LEVEL Level lets you select from 25 levels of play. Level A1 is automatically selected when the computer is first turned on. The first time you activate LEVEL, the A and 1 lights turn on to show this. PLAY LEVEL SELECTION Follow these steps to select another level of play. 1. Press LEVEL and the appropriate board square as shown in the illustration on Page 20 of the Owner's Manual. 2. Press CLEAR to exit the LEVEL selection mode. The following is a detailed description of the various levels. Preset Levels (A1-A8) restrict the computer's thinking time with preset time limits. The chart shows the average response time for each of the preset levels. Example: Square A1 shows the computer's average response time of 1 second per move and the overall 60 moves per minute time control. Fixed Depth Levels (G1-G8) restrict the computer's ability to look ahead by a selectable number of half moves (one half move equals one move for one player). Example: If you set up a problem and want the computer to search for a mate in 6 moves, set the computer to Level H6. As you enter the indicated opponent's moves, the computer turns on the rank and file lights to show its moves to mate. Infinite Levels (any board squares in files B, C, D, E, or F) gives the computer unlimited time for each move. The computer continues to search, looking deeper and deeper until a forced mate is found or until you halt the search. When halted, the computer makes the best move it has found thus far in its search. To halt the computer's thinking at any time, press MOVE. To cancel or exit the Level Function, press CLEAR. (IR-08/23/96)