Motorola DPC-550 (170-1059) System Registration Data Faxback Doc. # 15577 A cellular phone owner purchases service from a cellular system operator, just as he would purchase land-line service (for standard telephones) from the local telephone company. In cities with cellular coverage, the customer may have the option of picking one of two possible cellular system operators. Before you can obtain a phone number, you will have to supply the cellular system operator with your electronic serial number. All cellular telephones contain a special Electronic Serial Number (ESN). The ESN uniquely identifies the phone and provides a measure of protection against theft and fraud. The ESN is an eight-character (numeric/hexadecimal) number printed on the box the phone came in. Once you supply the electronic serial number to the system operator, he will issue the phone number and supply the other information required to program the NAM. You should immediately write down the information for future reference. (TE/all-06/08/95)