Telephone Tester (430-0114) Specifications Faxback Doc. # 15706 Dial Speed:................................... 8 PPS - 11 PPS +/- .1275 PPS Make/Break Ratio:......................................... 58 - 64% +/- .6% Loop Test:..................................... 57 - 600 Ohms DC Resistance Receive Test:......................... -26 dBm +/- 5% reference to 600 ohms Transmit Test:........................ -20 dBm +/- 5% reference to 600 ohms Ring Test (Typical):..................................... Low Ring 45 V RMS High Ring 90 V RMS Touch Tone Frequency:........................ Typical +/- 2.3% of Frequency Detect Bandwidth Maximum +/- 3.5% of Frequency Amplitude for:........................... Min -19 dBm reference to 600 ohms Detection Max -2 dBm reference to 600 ohms Supply Voltage:............................................ Minimum 105 VAC Typical 120 VAC Maximum 135 VAC Note: Above specifications based on 120 VAC only. Cord Test:.................... Pass 2 or 4 conductor. Tests inner pair, tip and ring and outer pair. Position of conductors within the inner pair and position of conductors within the outer pair may be reversed within the pair and the cord will pass. Fail Fails on 0, 1, or 3 conductors. Also fails if one conductor in one pair is shorted to one conductor in the other pair. Unit Weight:.................................................... 13 pounds (llg/all-06/21/95)