CT-355 Mini Handheld Flip-Style Cellular Phone (170-1068) Memory Faxback Doc. # 33446 DIALING A NUMBER FROM MEMORY (SHORT METHOD) You can rapidly dial any number stored in memory by entering either the stored location number or the name tag for the number you want to call. 1. Either: Enter the number of the memory location containing the number to be dialed (for example, 3). or: Press ABC to select the alpha mode (The phone displays NAME? and ALPHA) Then enter the name tag stored with the number to be dialed. 2. Press SEND. The phone recalls the number/name from memory, displays it briefly, then dials the number. If the memory location contains no number, or the name tag does not exist the message EMPTY (if in number mode) or NOT FOUND (if in alpha mode) appears. RECALLING MEMORY INFORMATION BY LOCATION NUMBER With the phone in the number mode: 1. Press RCL. The message RECALL prompts you to specify a memory location number. Then enter the location number (for example, for location 3, press RCL 3). The phone displays the phone number stored in that memory location. If the memory location is empty, the phone displays EMPTY. 2. To check the name stored in the same memory location, press ABC. If no name was stored with the number, the phone displays NAME? To return to the number, press ABC again. 3. To call the number in the memory location, with either the number or the name displayed, press SEND. RECALLING MEMORY INFORMATION BY NAME 1. Press ABC to select the alpha mode. 2. Enter the name or the first few letters of the name you want to recall. 3. Press RCL. The phone displays the first name that starts with the letters you entered and the number of the memory location in which it is stored. 4. To check the phone number stored in the same memory location, press ABC again. 5. To call the number in the memory location, with either the name or the number displayed, press SEND. SCROLLING THROUGH NUMBERS 1. To scroll the stored phone numbers, press /\ or \/. If you have just recalled a memory location by number, scrolling starts from that location. If you just recalled a memory by name, scrolling proceeds in alphabetic order from that location. 2. When you find the number you want, press SEND to make the call. DISPLAYING YOUR OWN NUMBER Your own number, which is permanently stored in memory location 99, has been programmed by your dealer (you cannot change the number). To recall your own number press RCL 9 9. USING THE SCRATCHPAD MEMORY In addition to the 98 standard memory locations, the phone has one short term memory location (the scratchpad) in which you can temporarily store a number and name. To store a number/name in scratchpad memory: 1. Enter the number (be sure to include the area code if necessary). To enter a name, press ABC to select the alpha mode, and enter the characters. NOTE: The person you are talking to hears tones when you press keys. 2. Press STO # #. The number/name is stored in the scratchpad memory; any number stored previously is overwritten. To recall the number: 1. Press RCL # #. The phone displays the number. To display the name, press ABC. 2. To call the number, press SEND. To move a number/name from the scratchpad to a permanent memory location, recall the number/name, then store it as described in "Storing Numbers and Names", above. CLEARING THE CONTENTS OF A MEMORY LOCATION 1. Press and hold CL to clear the display. 2. Press STO. The phone displays STORE to prompt you to enter a location number. 3. Enter the number of the memory location you want to delete. The phone displays REPLACE CONTENT?. 4. Press STO within 8 seconds. The phone displays STORED to confirm that that location has been cleared. LEAVING A REMINDER MESSAGE You can enter a message (a name and number), just before turning off the phone, and then have that message recalled automatically when you next turn on the phone. When recalled, the reminder message is shown as text if there is a text part; otherwise it appears as a number. You can clear, edit, store the message, or call the number, just as with any other number/name. To enter and store a reminder message: 1. Enter the number or name on the display as necessary (press ABC to switch between the number and name modes). You can also recall a number or name already stored. 2. Press MNU, then press and hold ON. The phone turns off, and automatically stores the reminder message. When you next turn on the phone, the phone displays the message. The message is then automatically erased from memory, and does not appear when you turn on the phone again. CHANGING THE WAKE-UP MESSAGE The phone briefly displays a wake-up message when you turn on the phone. The wake-up message is normally a name (or text), stored in the alphabetic part of memory location 99. If the alphabetic part is empty, then the phone displays your own number, which is stored in the numeric part of location 99. If your phone is registered on two cellular networks, the displayed wake-up message (and your own number) will be from the network currently used; see "Selecting the Phone Number", on Faxback Doc. # 33449. To change the wake-up (text) message: 1. Either: Press ABC to select the alpha mode and enter the text message, or: Press RCL 9 9 to recall the current contents, press ABC to select the alpha mode and enter the text message (if necessary, first delete any name already stored). 2. Press STO 9 9. The phone displays REPLACE CONTENT? 3. Press STO to store the new name; the phone displays STORED. If you try to store a different phone number in memory location 99, the phone displays NOT ALLOWED, and the number and name are not stored. DISPLAYING HIDDEN DIGITS The phone can display up to 16 digits at a time. If you enter a number longer than this, the first digits do not appear on the display. To view the first digits, press and hold RCL. To view the original display again, release RCL. After you display a long number, remember to clear the display (press and hold CL) before attempting to recall information from a memory location. ADDING A WAIT Many computer services (for example, bank-by-phone and voicemail) require you to wait before entering touch tone digits. You can use the special wait character to add touch tone digits to a phone number stored in memory: 1. Enter the phone number of the service (for example, 214 555 7890). 2. Press * * * *. The phone displays 214 555 7890w. NOTE: You must press each * in quick succession, before the phone display moves to the next digit, to enter the w character. If you make a mistake, use CL to erase the last character. 3. Enter the touch tone digits (for example, 3360). The phone displays 214 555 7890w3360. 4. Press STO to store the number. 5. Press STO a second time to store the number in the first unused memory location. To dial the computer service, recall the number from memory and press SEND. The phone dials the number of the computer service and the phone displays w3360. Pressing SEND again sends 3360 as touch tone digits. ADDING A PAUSE Some telephone services, such as voice mail, require you to enter an access code, then pause for a couple of seconds to wait for the service to accept the code before entering additional digits. To store a pause in a number: 1. Enter the phone number of the service (for example, 214 555 7890). 2. Enter a wait character (See "Adding a Wait", above). 3. Enter the first digits you need to send (for example, the *). 4. Press * * * to enter a pause at this point. NOTE: You must press each * in quick succession, before the phone display moves to the next digit to enter the pause. If you make a mistake, press CL to erase the last character. 5. Enter additional digits (for example, 6864). 6. Store the entry in a memory location (see "Storing Numbers and Names", above). To dial the service, recall the memory location and press SEND. The phone dials the number. When the service answers, press SEND again. The phone sends the first digits (from Step 3), pauses 2.5 seconds, then sends the additional digits (from Step 5). STORING AN INTERNATIONAL NUMBER You can use the special + character to automatically add the 011 international dial code to a number stored in memory: 1. Press * *. The phone displays +. NOTE: You must press each * in quick succession, before the phone display moves to the next digit, to enter the + character. If you make a mistake, use CL to erase the last character. 2. Enter the phone number (for example, 44 123 456789). The phone displays +44123456789. 3. Press STO a second time to store the number in the first unused memory location. To dial the international phone number, recall the number from memory and press SEND. When you recall the number from memory, the phone automat- ically displays 011 in place of the + character. Many of the phone's functions are arranged in an easy-to-use menu system. The menu system (see "List of Menu Functions", on Faxback Doc. # 33447) lets you view and change the current setting of any function. Each function is described in detail in the "Security Features", on Faxback Doc. 33448 and "Additional Features", on Faxback Doc. # 33449 sections of this manual. There are two ways to access the menu functions. Menu method: 1. Press MNU. The message USE SYMBOL TO VIEW prompts you to scroll through the menus. 2. Press /\ or \/ to scroll through each menu function. When the display shows the function you want, press STO. Shortcut method: Press MNU and enter the number of the menu function you want. For example, pressing MNU 1 1 accesses the CHANGE LOCK CODE function. Some menu functions are restricted and you are prompted to enter either the lock code or security code supplied with the phone by your dealer (see "Security Features", on Faxback Doc. # 33448). (BR/EB 6/13/96)