SelectaCom (430-0219) Operation Faxback Doc. # 6852 Follow these steps to prepare the stations for use. 1. To turn on the station, rotate VOLUME clockwise until it clicks. The power indicator lights. Set VOLUME to mid-range. 2. Set CHANNEL for each station to the appropriate channel, as follows: If you want all the stations to communicate with each other at the same time, set all stations to the same channel. If you want to set up separate communication systems, set each station to a different channel. For example, at home you set the kitchen's station to Channel A, the family room's station to Channel B, and the bedroom's station to Channel C. The kitchen can communicate with the family room by setting CHANNEL to B and with the bedroom by setting CHANNEL to C. CALLING Follow these steps to talk to another station. 1. Slide CHANNEL to the channel (A, B, or C) of the station you are calling. 2. Press CALL. The talk indicator lights. Each station set to the selected channel sounds a tone. 3. Press and hold down TALK. The talk indicator lights. Speak in a normal voice. Then, release TALK when you finish speaking and listen for the response. NOTES: The talk indicator remains lit as long as you are in the talk mode. It goes out when you release TALK. If your voice sounds distorted, you might be speaking too loudly or too close to the microphone. LISTENING When you hear a call tone or a caller's voice, adjust VOLUME to a comfortable listening level. NOTE: Only one party can speak on a channel at a time. Wait until the other party finishes before answering. MONITORING Pressing LOCK has the same effect as holding down TALK. Use LOCK to set the intercom for monitoring another station's location (such as a nursery or playroom), or when other one-way communication is needed. Follow these instructions to monitor another location. 1. Press LOCK on the station in the area you want to monitor. The talk indicator lights. NOTE: The talk indicator lights as long as LOCK is on. This lets you know that the station is transmitting to another station. 2. Listen from your station. 3. To release the lock, press TALK on the monitored station. The talk indicator goes out. NOTE: You cannot call or talk to the locked station while LOCK is on. Remember to release the lock when you finish monitoring. USING ADDITIONAL STATIONS You can add additional stations to the system. Any Radio Shack 3-channel intercom that transmits on the same frequencies is compatible. The intercom's channels and transmitting frequencies are shown below. Channel A..............................................200 KHz +/- 2.5 KHz Channel B..............................................270 KHz +/- 2.5 KHz Channel C..............................................230 KHz +/- 2.5 KHz (br/all-7/12/94)