CT-352 (170-1062) Troubleshooting Faxback Doc. # 7532 IF THE POWER DOES NOT COME ON OR STAY ON: Make sure that the battery is installed properly. Be sure that the contacts on the battery, and on the Desktop Rapid Charger (if used), are clean. Watch and listen for the low battery warnings; the charge might be too low for the phone to operate. IF THE POWER COMES ON, BUT THE PHONE DOES NOT WORK: You might be out of the cellular service area (the phone displays NOT SERVICE or NO SVC). Make sure the antenna is fully extended. IF YOU HEAR BEEPS WHEN YOU TRY TO MAKE A CALL: Poor signal strength. IF YOU HAVE DIFFICULTY PROGRAMMING THE UNIT USING THE ESN: Try using the ESN prefix 1560 instead of 1650. (ALL/tlc-2/28/95)