Portable Power Inverter (220-0138) Operation Faxback Doc. # 19630 1. After connecting power to the power inverter, plug the equipment to be used into the power inverter's AC socket. 2. Set the power inverter's switch to ON (1). 3. After the inverter's power indicator lights, turn on the connected appliance. 4. When you finish using the equipment, turn off both the equipment and the power inverter. The power indicator light turns off. The power inverter stops working if: The inverter overheats after supplying more than 220 watts of power. If this happens, disconnect the appliance from the power inverter and wait until the power inverter cools down before using it again. Your vehicle battery output drops below 10 volts. If this happens, run your vehicle's engine a few minutes to recharge the battery. NOTES: Using a dirty cigarette-lighter socket might cause your vehicle's battery to discharge below 10 volts. If you cannot turn on the power inverter, try unplugging it from the cigarette-lighter socket, making sure the socket and plug are clean, then reconnecting it. If you use the power inverter to power a TV, you might need to press the TV's power button several times before it turns on. CHECKING/REPLACING THE POWER INVERTER'S FUSE If the inverter does not turn on, or if the power inverter stops working after a few minutes of operation, check your power inverter's 30-amp fuse and/or your vehicle's cigarette lighter fuse. Follow these steps, to check the inverter's 30-amp fuse. 1. Using a Phillips screwdriver, remove only the four outer screws (at the corners) on the cable end of the power inverter. CAUTION: Be careful not to remove the blower motor or cable retaining screws. 2. Pull out the inverter's end until you can see the flat fuse (about 1 3/4 inch). 3. Using curved needle nose pliers, carefully pull out the fuse. 4. If the fuse is blown, replace it with the supplied 30-amp fuse using the curved needle nose pliers to carefully push in the fuse. CAUTION: You must replace the power inverter's fuse with a fuse of the same size and rating (such as Cat. No. 270-1085). Using a fuse with a higher rating could damage your power inverter. 5. After you replace the fuse, or if the fuse is not blown, push in the inverter's end and secure it by replacing the four outer screws. CAUTIONS: If your vehicle's cigarette lighter fuse is blown, you must replace it with a fuse of the same rating, size, and type recommended in your vehicle's owner's manual. Do not replace your vehicle's cigarette-lighter fuse with one that exceeds the rating recommended in your vehicle's owner's manual or damage to your vehicle's electrical circuits might result. Do not replace your vehicle's cigarette-lighter fuse with the supplied 30-amp fuse. The supplied fuse is provided as a replacement for your power inverter, NOT your vehicle's cigarette-lighter fuse. If neither the inverter's nor your vehicle's cigarette lighter fuse is blown, take the power inverter to your local Radio Shack store for service. IMPORTANT NOTICE If you must connect the power inverter directly to the vehicle battery, have a qualified vehicle mechanic or electrical system installation technician make the connection using large-gauge wire (14-gauge or better). (EB 2/12/96)