12V 1A Power Supply (277-0104) Parts List Faxback Doc. # 9521 This Project Board can be used to power most auto accessories - RADIOS, TAPE DECKS, C.B. UNITS, WALKIE TALKIES - anything that operates as 12 volts and 1 amp! By changing the resistor string on the output, the creative experimenter can obtain fixed voltages of 7 to 12 volts. The circuit contains a voltage doubler that enables it to provide a well regulated output, even with low line voltages! This package contains a complete printed circuit board - ready for parts to be added. To construct this PROJECT BOARD, you'll need the following parts: Radio Shack Symbol Description Quantity Cat. No. C1, C2 22uF 36V Electrolytic 2 272-1026 Capacitor (PC) C3 3300uF 35V Electrolytic 1 272-1021 Capacitor (Axial) C4 220uF 35V Electrolytic 1 272-1029 Capacitor (PC) CR1, CR2, 1 Amp/50PIV Diode 4 272-1101 CR3, CR4 CR5 1 W 6 V Zener Diode 1 276-0561 F1 1.5 A Slo-Blo Fuse 1 270-1284 L1 12 Volt Panel Lamp (w/mounting) 1 272-0322 clip) Q1 Transistor RS2019 type 1 276-2019 Q2 Transistor RS2009 type 1 276-2009 R1 680 Resistor (blue, gray, brown) 1 271-0000 R2 1.5 K Resistor (brown, green, red) 1 271-0000 R3 1 K Variable Resistor (Trim Pot) 1 271-0227 R4 2.2 K Resistor (red, red, red) 1 271-0000 S1 Push-on, Push-off Switch SPST 1 275-0011 T1 Transformer 25.2Vct/2A 1 273-1512 Case (Chassis) 1 270-0252 Fuse Holder 1 270-0364 Nylon Binding Post 2 274-0662 No. 22 Hook-up Wire 278-1307 Plus hardware, tools, and solder. The Case listed above is a recommended Chassis in which to mount the Project. You might prefer other mounting styles - select your own. (ALL-01/25/95)