Video Guide User's Manual (150-1980) Program Guide Faxback Doc. # 33503 PROGRAM GUIDE What you can do from Program Guide: Find out what's on TV. Program Guide is a seven day list of show titles and show descriptions. Choose between three formats, "Standard," "Expanded," and "Alphabetical." Tune directly from the grid to a show that is currently on. Simply select a show and press the TV button on the VideoGuide remote. VideoGuide changes the channel of your TV and the show is on instantly! Set shows to record. Select a show and press the LEFT ACTION button. (See Faxback Doc. # 33504 for more on recording.) Standard Format: The Standard Program Guide format lists seven days of television show titles in a familiar grid format. Channel logos make channel identification quick and easy. Show descriptions are displayed across the bottom. Use the JOYSTICK to move left or right, up or down to select the show you wish. Jump ahead 24 hours at a time by pressing the RIGHT ACTION button (labeled "Display" in the banner) to display the channels, days, and times the selected show is on over the next seven days. (See "Alphabetical Format" below) Show Tile Colors: (colors may vary from TV to TV) Dark Green: Other Purple: Sports Brown: Movies Blue: News Green: Children Red: Marked to Record TIP: You may select a time and day to enter Program Guide by pressing the RIGHT ACTION button (labeled "Later" in the banner) while still in the Video Guide Menu. Program Guide - Standard Format 1. Move the JOYSTICK left or right, up or down to select a show to watch or record. 2. Press the TV button on the VideoGuide remote to Tune directly to the channel of the selected show. 3. The day of the week for the listings being displayed appears in the top left corner. 4. To Record a selected show, just press the LEFT ACTION button - labeled "Record" in the banner. (See Faxback Doc. # 33504 for more details on recording.) 5. Press the RIGHT ACTION button - labeled "Next Day" in the banner - to jump 24 hours ahead. 6. The information Box contains information about the selected show. SmartSort: a note on channel order Initially, Program Guide lists channels in order of national popularity. As you use VideoGuide, the Smart Sort feature begins shifting the channel order, moving the channels you select most often to the top of the grid. The resulting "personalized" Program Guide will make it easier than ever to select what you want to watch or record. NOTE: VideoGuide may display more channels than you receive. If Video Guide correctly tunes to the channels you receive, it is set up correctly. The Smart Sort feature will move the channels you don't use to the bottom of the list. Program Guide - Expanded Format The Expanded Program Guide format presents more shows (2 full hours) and more channels (8) than the Standard format for those who want a wider view of program listing. 1. Move the JOYSTICK left or right, up or down to select a show to watch or record. 2. Press the TV button on the VideoGuide remote to Tune directly to the channel of the selected show. 3. The day of the week for the listing being displayed appears in the top left corner. 4. To Record a selected show, just press the LEFT ACTION button - labeled "Record" in the banner. (See Faxback Doc. # 33504 for more details on recording.) 5. Press the RIGHT ACTION button - labeled "Next Day" in the banner - to jump 24 hours ahead. 6. The information Box contains information about the selected show. Program Guide - Alphabetical Format The Alphabetical Program Guide format lets you search for a show by name. 1. Press the RIGHT ACTION button to "Display" the next 7 days of gray episode tiles for all episodes for this show. Press it again to "Hide" them. When an episode tile is selected, you may tune directly to show by pressing the TV button or record it by pressing the LEFT ACTION button. 2. Move the JOYSTICK up or down to select a show title within this letter or to select a gray episode tile. Move the JOYSTICK right or left to display other letters of the alphabet. 3. Press the LEFT ACTION button to Record a selected episode tile. (See Faxback Doc. # 33504 for more details on recording.) 4. The RIGHT ACTION button "Displays" or "Hides" the gray episode tiles. 5. Select a specific episode tile and press the TV button on the Video Guide remote to Tune directly to the selected show (if it is currently on). 6. The Information Box contains information about the show episode currently selected. You must scroll down to a gray episode tile to display the episode's description. Program Views What you can do from Program Views: Quickly find out what Movies and Sports are on TV. Program Views provides a complete seven day list of movies and sports programming complete with show descriptions. Tune directly from the grid to a show that is currently on. Simply select a show and press the TV button on the VideoGuide remote. Video Guide changes the channel of your TV and the show is on instantly. Set shows to record. Select a show and press the LEFT ACTION button. (See Faxback Doc. # 33504 for more on recording.) Movies & Sports Views: Program Views offers two show categories from which to choose: "Movies" and "Sports." Both formats list seven days of programs in chronological order, one day at a time. The day and date appears across the top of the grid and the program listings follow in a column with show times, stations and tiles displayed. Move the JOYSTICK up and down to select a program tile and display its description. To move to another day of listings, move the JOYSTICK left or right. Just as in Program Guide, press the TV bottom to tune directly to a selected movie or sports program and begin watching or press the LEFT ACTION button to record. Entering Program Views: From the VideoGuide Menu, move the VideoGuide remote's JOYSTICK up or down to select the Program Views service tile. Then, move the JOYSTICK left or right to select "Movies" or "Sports." Press the GUIDE button and the selected Program Views format will appear. Movie Tile Colors: (colors may vary from TV to TV) Dark Green: Adventure, Fantasy, Horror, Mystery, Science Friction, Suspense, Western Brown: Biography, Documentary, Adult, Musical, Opera, Other Green: Children Purple: Drama, Romance Blue: Comedy, Satire Sports Tile Colors: Purple: All Sports Programming Program Views - Movies View 1. Movies are listed chronologically, in one-day columns. The time, channel, and title are displayed. When a movie title is selected you may tune directly to the show by pressing the TV button or record it by pressing the LEFT ACTION button. 2. Move the JOYSTICK up or down to select a movie title. Move the JOYSTICK right or left to display movies for other days of the week. 3. Press the LEFT ACTION button to Record a selected movie. (See Faxback Doc. # 33504 for more details on recording.) 4. Select a specific movie title and press the TV button on the VideoGuide remote to Tune directly to the selected show. 5. The Information Box contains Information about the selected show. Sport View: The Sport View of Program Views functions in the same way as the Movies View. It lists sports events and sports related programs. News Guide What you can do with News Guide: Keep pace with breaking news. News Guide brings you complete and current news fresh off the wire including: - regional, - national, and - international coverage News Guide covers general interest news, business and financial news, sports, arts and entertainment, weather forecasts, and more. No more waiting for the evening news or tomorrow's newspaper. Check the weather when you want to. News Guide provides a complete multi day local forecast. The weather icon gives you a quick look at today's forecast. The traveler's forecast lets you know if it will rain or shine across the country. Follow the Markets. The Dow Jones Industrial Average information box is updated several times a day. Additional in-depth business and financial news is reported daily. Entering News Guide From the VideoGuide Menu, move the VideoGuide remote's JOYSTICK up or down to select the News Guide service tile. Then, press the GUIDE button and News Guide will appear. News Headline Tile Colors: (colors may vary from TV to TV) Dark Green: National Brown: Regional Green: Business/Financial Purple: Sports, Arts & Entertainment Blue: International News Guide 1. Headlines are listed in the left column. Select a headline and the story fills the right hand side of the screen. 2. View complete local weather for today and the days ahead. 3. Move the JOYSTICK up or down to select a headline. Move the JOYSTICK right or left (or press the ACTION buttons) to "page" through stories. 4. The current Dow Jones Industrial Average is updated throughout the day. 5. Press the LEFT ACTION button to return to a Previous "page." 6. Press the RIGHT ACTION button to go to the Next "page" in a story. 7. The weather icon displays the local forecast at a glance. 8. The right hand of the screen contains the story copy. 9. An arrow indicates the story continues on the next "page." Sports Guide What you can do with Sports Guide: Entering Sports Guide: From the Video Guide Menu, move the Video Guide remote's JOYSTICK up or down to select Sports Guide service tile. Press the GUIDE button and Sports Guide will appear. Always know the score. Sports Guide tracks all the major professional and college games giving you instant access to continuously updated game scores. You can check what's going on throughout the league in seconds. No waiting for the evening news or for scores to slowly scroll by. Check the scores you want to when you want to. Get pre-, post-, and in-game summaries. Sports Guide provides in-depth summaries of all major sporting events. Pre-game summaries give you insight into the coming event with details such as probable pitches and current streaks. Post-game summaries provide game highlights recreating the action. In-game summaries provide detail to bring the score alive such as recent highlights and game time remaining. Check the league standings. Standings for the major sports are provided. Find out which games are televised - watch them or record them. When a game is on TV, the game tile is marked with a TV icon. Simply select a televised game by moving the JOYSTICK up or down, left or right. Then press the TV button to tune directly to the game, or press the LEFT ACTION button to record the game - just as you would from Program Guide. (See Faxback Doc. # 33504 for more on recording.) TIP: You may enter Sports Guide on any sport you wish. Simply select the Sports Guide service tile from the VideoGuide Menu. Then, use the LEFT and RIGHT ACTION buttons to select the PREVIOUS or NEXT sport. The selected sport appears in the service tile. Press the GUIDE button to enter at the top of the chosen sport's game tiles. Game Tile Colors: (colors may vary from TV to TV) Dark Green: Game completed Green: Game in progress Purple: Scheduled to be played Blue: League standings Sports Guide 1. Game tiles are listed in 2 columns. Select a game tile and the related game summary fills the information box at the bottom of the screen. 2. Move the JOYSTICK up or down, left or right to select a game tile. 3. Press the LEFT ACTION button to record a televised game OR to return to the Previous "page" of a game summary. (NOTE: Recording is only enabled when you are on the first page of a televised game's summary.) 4. Press the RIGHT ACTION button to go to the Next "page" in a game summary. 5. A TV icon indicates the game is scheduled to be televised. Select a televised game and press the TV button to Tune directly to the game or press the LEFT ACTION button to Record it. 6. The information box contains a game summary or other information. Here, the league standings are displayed. 7. An arrow indicates the summary continues on the next "page." (LB/EB 06/03/96)