SR-2015 Home Satellite Television System Receiver (160-2513) General Information Faxback Doc. # 34201 HELPFUL HINTS To make sure you get the most out of satellite television viewing we offer the following information. The sophisticated engineering required to tune in satellite signals from about 22,300 miles away can be as mysterious as space itself. We hope that this information will take some of the mystery out of this technology, making it even more enjoyable for you. TERRESTRIAL INTERFERENCE The most common cause of interference for a satellite television system is terrestrial interference. It is caused by local telephone or data microwave links. If your antenna is located close to, or in the path of, a microwave tower, you might experience snowy video, sparkles, or a distorted picture. This kind of interference is usually not constant and might appear to increase and decrease at different times of the day. If you experience terrestrial interference, contact your local Radio Shack store about purchasing an external TI filter. If the problem still exists, you might need to relocate your antenna or use more sophisticated filters. Contact your Radio Shack store for more information. SOLAR OUTAGE Another cause of interference is the biannual solar outage. Due to the seasonal changes of the earth's axis, the satellite belt moves between the earth and the sun. When the satellite belt moves directly between the sun and your antenna, the satellite transmissions are overpowered by the sun's natural radio transmissions. This king of satellite eclipse occurs twice a year, around the spring and fall equinox. As the satellite eclipse approaches, you might notice a gradual, daily increase in interference. It peaks for about 10-30 minutes with a completely distorted picture. As the eclipse decreases, so does the amount of interference, until the picture is back to clear, normal operation. The degree of interference and the timing of this phenomenon varies with the satellite, your geographical location, and the size of your antenna. OTHER SOURCES OF INTERFERENCE All electrical equipment is susceptible to interference from other electrical devices. The SR-2015 is an extremely sensitive unit and might pick up interference from any household appliance. If you experience temporary audio or video interference you should check other equipment in your house. Appliances such as refrigerators, washers/dryers, microwave ovens, pumps, power tools, hair dryers, etc, can cause a variety of annoying interference Also, radio transmitters such as CBs or shortwave radios can be sources of interference. Try plugging the SR-2015 into another outlet or an isolated circuit. Check with your local Radio Shack store for other ways to control interference. Aircraft passing over or near your antenna might cause some temporary interference by blocking or reflecting the satellite signal. This type of interference is momentary and cannot be filtered. (BR/EB 7/25/96)