Easy Home Video Editor (150-1963) Advanced Editing Faxback Doc. # 34342 Step 9 Advanced Editing Steps 6 and 7 describe basic editing, in which all scenes come from one original tape and appear in the same order they had on the original. This step describes how to make productions that are more complex and other advanced techniques and features. Note that timecode is explained in Step 10. Step 9.1: Appending Segments to a Previously Recorded Tape. It's easy to add more video to a previously made production (or one that was interrupted for some reason). To do this, first prepare the Easy Editor so it's ready to record the new material. Follow the same steps you would if you were going to place the new material on a blank tape, but don't insert a blank tape in the VCR. Instead, insert the previously recorded tape. Press PLAY on the VCR and find the last moment that was properly recorded. Press PAUSE on the VCR to freeze the playback at that instant. Press RECORD. The VCR should be in RECORD-PAUSE at that spot. NOTE: Some VCRs will not go into RECORD-PAUSE from PLAY-PAUSE; they require you to RECORD first, then PAUSE. Your VCR manual might explain how to put your VCR into RECORD-PAUSE. You can add some black video at that point, if you like, by holding PREVIEW as you press the Thumbs-Up button. Press the Thumbs-Down button when you've recorded enough black. Proceed normally (using the Thumbs-Up button if you're Instant Editing, using EDIT if you're doing Automatic Editing) to begin recording the next new scene at the paused spot on the tape. Step 9.2: Multiple Productions on One Tape. You can use the appending technique described in Step 9.1 to combine several productions on one tape. To do this, position the VCR at the end of the first production and add the second production. Step 9.3: Pausing a Production. When you're doing Automatic Editing (or you're VIEWing), you can pause a production at any time by simply pressing STOP on the Easy Editor between scenes (don't pause while a segment is being recorded). You might want to do this to turn the fader on or off or to change enhancer settings. Or, you might want to adjust a separate video processor to change the color or other characteristics of the next scene. Continue the production, starting with the next marked segment on the camcorder tape, by pressing EDIT again. If the VCR has stopped, see Step 9.4 on Faxback Doc. # 34341. Step 9.4: Restarting a Production. The Easy Editor stars and stops recording by issuing remote control pause commands to the VCR. If the VCR is not in record-pause mode when the production begins, the video is not recorded. VCRs automatically stop the recording if the VCR is in uninterrupted pause for longer than a certain time, usually five or ten minutes. If this happens, use the appending method in Step 9.1 to pick up where you left off Remember that the EDIT button always starts with the next segment on the original tape. Step 9.5: Multiple Originals. You can make a production using video from more than one original tape. If you are using Instant Editing, simply swap tapes whenever you want to use video that's on another tape. If you're using Automatic Editing, start by numbering each original tape. Insert the first tape (Tape 1) and re-zero it (as explained below). Use the Setup Menu to change the TAPE number to "01" (Step 8.3, item 3 on Faxback Doc. # 34341). Use the thumb buttons to mark all the good video segments on this tape. Then eject Tape 1 and insert and re-zero Tape 2. Use the Setup Menu to change the TAPE number to "02." Mark the good video on Tape 2. Continue until all tapes have been marked. You can also add title marks to each tape, if you wish. Now, insert your blank tape in the VCR and prepare to make a production as you normally would. Insert Tape 1 into the camcorder and re-zero it. Use the Setup Menu to set the TAPE number to "01". Make your production as you normally do. When you press EDIT, the Easy Editor records the video segments you marked on Tape 1. After the last scene is recorded, the VCR remains in pause. Insert Tape 2 in the camcorder and re-zero it. Change the TAPE number to "02." Press EDIT. Repeat this process with all your tapes. Re-zeroing the tape: "Re-zeroing" means rewinding the tape and resetting the camcorder's tape counter, so 0:00:00.0 appears on the counter at the very start of the tape. It is only important when you mark segments on a tape, then eject it, then re-insert it later for the EDIT step. Rezeroing makes sure the counter values remain correct. To re-zero, simply press ON-SCREEN-DISPLAY and REWIND on the Easy Editor at the same time. Step 9.6 Rearranging Scenes. With Instant Editing, you can record video segments in any order. But with Automatic Editing, the Easy Editor always records the scenes in the same order they had on the original tape. You can rearrange segments by making the production in several pieces. As an example, imagine you have marked five scenes and you want a production with scenes 1, 2, 5, 3, and 4; in that order. Start with the normal Automatic editing process (which would record scenes 1 through 5, in order). After scenes 1 and 2 record, press STOP on the Easy Editor. Use fast forward or search to pass scenes 3 and 4, positioning the tape somewhere before scene 5 begins. Then press EDIT to continue and scene 5 is recorded. Stop the process again and reposition the tape to a point before scene 3 and press EDIT. Stop the process after scenes 3 and 4 are recorded. Here's an advanced trick: Treat the out-of-sequence portions as if they were on different tapes, using the technique of Step 9.5. Mark scenes 1, 2, and 5 on "Tape 1," 3 and 4 on "Tape 2." Now produce Tape 1, then Tape 2, and you'll have the scenes in the desired order. Step 9.7 Automatic Editing Without Edit Control. You can do Automatic Editing even though your camcorder does not have edit control, using original tapes that have SMPTE VITC timecode. Step 10.3 describes the procedure. Some professional equipment and a few consumer camcorders have SMPTE VITC recording capability. In addition, you can use the Easy Editor to make copies of your tapes, with SMPTE VITC added, as described in Step 10.5 on Faxbacl Doc. # 34343. Step 9.8 Repeated Play (Video Demo). If you have edit control, you can make the Easy Editor automatically play segments on a tape over and over. This is useful for creating a video demo. To do this, mark your segments as you do for Automatic Editing, including T-marks, if you are adding titles. Press PREVIEW, as usual, if you would like to see the segments once; press ON-SCREEN-DISPLAY and PLAY at the same time to see all segments over and over. (BR/EB 8/2/96)